Prophetic Word Oct 2, 2022
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prophetic word

Prophetic Word from THE LORD

October 2, 2022

  • Stand firm in the faith. Don’t waiver in the faith. Now is not the time to waiver. We must rise and be strong.
  • You will see ugly demons rise up but don’t be afraid. You get in their face. 
  • You want power, you want power, you want power, stay in My Word. Keep your vision before Me.  You want power. You’re going to need power. You’re going to need power to remain strong.
  • So many people are bleeding.  So many people are dying in spirit.  They will not see Me because they are not with Me.  They’ve strayed from Me.  They think they are close to Me but they are not.  You look at their fruit.  Their fruit is dead, rotting and it stinks.
  • Stay connected to the vine.  Stay in your Word.  Do not be dismayed. Satan will attack and he is attacking strong.  And he will try to wipe out every Christian there is.  He will try to raise an army of children who love him.
  • You have to be strong for the battle is.  You are weak. You are weak.  You need to be strengthened in Me. No spot or blemish. A remnant, you better make sure you make the remnant.  You need to make sure your heart is fixed, that all the impurities are out.
  • And stop celebrating Halloween. You are deceived.  The devil has entangled you in his vine.  So many children, so many people will be slain and raptured by the slime that satan has treacher in you.  Be not deceived.
  • Speak My Words, speak My Words or forever remain silent. You’re weak at heart. You say that you are not ashamed of Me. I beg to differ.  You speak what I say.  Open your mouth and let My Words come out.  My fire will come down.  It’s coming.  It’s coming.
  • You are just sitting there asleep.  Sitting there and you’re going to wonder why you’re not prepared.  Have you not been listening to what I have been saying.  You hear, but you have no action.  Do not let what’s coming devastate you.  You know that I am your protector.  I am your supplier.  But, I have given words to help you and yet you have done nothing.  In the midst of the storm, you will cry out but God what about me.  Where you not there, I will say when I told you to prepare and now you want me to sustain you.
  • Keep your Word hidden within your heart.  Everything will look like it’s been destroyed. But, I love you.  I have you in My bosom.  I have you.
  • Teach your children.  Teach each individual to stand on their own.  You may not be near when disaster strikes.  Teach them.  Prepare them.  You do not have time.  You do not have time.  And when you don’t feel like it, Praise Me.  Happiness will come, but Praise Me and shake satan off of you.  You tell the demons where to go in the name of Jesus.  Get up, Get up and fight.


Worship Service Sunday, Mar 9 @ 10:00 AM
Intercessory Prayer Wednesday, Mar 12 @ 7:00 PM
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