Sent to Serve
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As we enter this month of December, the last month of this year,

many begin to make preparation for the celebration of Christmas.

In preparation, there is often much focus on baking cookies, cakes

and pies, purchasing of gifts and hosting or attending parties. But

as the body of Christ, let us remember that Christmas is a time of

remembrance of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As

we reflect on the birth of Jesus, let us take time to meditate on why

He had to come to this earth.


Dr. Charles Stanley wrote an excerpt entitled “Sent to Serve” that

I would like to share with you.


Too often, people fall into a wrong belief that they have no real

purpose in life. They get up, go to work, come home, and zone

out in front of the TV. Then it’s time to go to sleep and start all

over. Where in this routine are they making time to fulfill their

true purpose?


This isn’t the model Jesus set for us. When we look at the life of

Christ, we can clearly see that His coming was no accident and

His time was not wasted. He lived His life on target. Scripture

shows without a doubt that Jesus came to accomplish a goal.

Many times in the Gospels, Jesus refers to having been sent by the

Father. That word implies focus and intent. Our Savior didn’t

stumble upon the earthly scene. His coming was not an accident

or a happy coincidence. The idea is not that Jesus just appeared;

He was sent into the world for a clear purpose. And what was that

purpose. Matthew 20:28 reveals that Jesus came not to conquer,

but to serve. His life reveals a clear mission, and everything He

does in the Gospels point back to His purpose: to reveal the

Father, die for sin, save the lost, and provide abundant life.

No, matter where He was, who He was with, or what He was

doing, the Lord was always mindful of the reason for His coming.

What’s more, just as Jesus was sent by the Father, so we are sent

by Christ to carry His message of hope throughout the world. Is

this purpose evident in your daily routine?


Therefore, as we reflect on how Jesus came to serve God, let us

pray for clarity as to how God desires to use us as His servants.


In His Service,


Pastor Rose


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Worship Service Sunday, Mar 9 @ 10:00 AM
Intercessory Prayer Wednesday, Mar 12 @ 7:00 PM
Firmly Planted Bible Study Thursday, Mar 13 @ 7:00 PM

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