Why Is a Lifestyle of Praise and Worship Important?
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First and foremost God says ‘Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord”. Therefore asGod’s creation and breath is in our bodies, we should have the desire to praise and worship God in spirit and in truth. Meaning, we should not do so in pretense but with a sincere heart. Praise and worship to God should not be something we do only during Sunday morning worship service but everyday all throughout the day. Praise and worship to our God should be a lifestyle.


What we must understand is:

*Praising God comes from the mouth. All spiritual weapons have only one launching pad and that is the mouth. That is why no matter how we may feel, we must will ourselves to open our mouth and give God praise. God gave us a Word stating He desires to resuscitate us, to bring us back to life. But for Him to do so, we must open our mouth and give Him praise.


*Praise is a spiritual garment and every believer must wear this garment at all times. When we determine that we are going to worship God, this makes Satan angry. When we begin to worship God, Satan is troubled and we must flee.


Praising God prepares us to understand the subtle meanings of God’s Word.


When praising God, we should look for a demonstration of His salvation and deliverance. We should anticipate the miraculous work of our Lord. Just as God set free Paul and Silas when they were in prison through their praise to Him, the Lord desires to do the same for us today. Praise to God is to be a sacrifice. When things are going well, it’s easy to praise God. But, God delights when we offer a sacrifice of praise to Him when things are not going well. In doing so, it is a tremendous step of faith and God honors that faith with miracles.


Finally, we must remember, God inhabits our praise to Him.

The word inhabits means to actually sit or reside in a place. Therefore, when we praise God, He comes right where we are and have a seat. Isn’t that awesome?


Therefore, I encourage us all, Let praising and worshiping our God, our Lord and Savior, be a lifestyle and let us implement it today.


In His Service,

Pastor Rose


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Intercessory Prayer Wednesday, Jan 22 @ 7:00 PM
Full Life Bible Study Thursday, Jan 23 @ 7:00 PM
Firmly Planted Bible Study Thursday, Jan 23 @ 7:00 PM

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