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  • Dale Perkins-Banks
    Dale Perkins-Banks

    How did the Lord change my life?

    I was 20 years old and “playing” church. I was holding ministry offices; serving the church, not the Lord. After an encounter with a Young Adult Ministry from another church, I received the Plan of Salvation, and professed Christ as my Lord and Savior. Along with Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Christ started the process of moving me from carnality to holiness. Through the guidance and molding of the Holy Spirit, my tastes changed from worldly to Godliness.


    What led me to become a ministry leader?

    From a previous church, I was already a licensed Deacon. I had also played bass guitar since I was in 10th grade. God used the gifts that He had given me to be elevated in servanthood unto Him. All I did was say “yes Lord.”


    My most memorable ministry moments

    Seeing the captives set free through deliverance. Seeing the wheelchair bound rise up and walk, squat, and leap for joy. Every time someone yields and accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior.


    Something most people don’t know about me

    I’m really a wall flower and shy at heart. I’d rather operate in the background and not be up front. It’s God that grants me the boldness to do the things He has me to do.

  • Rose Perkins-Banks
    Rose Perkins-Banks
    Sr. Pastor

    How did the Lord change my life?

    I believe the Lord changed and continues to change my life in stages. I received the Lord as my Savior at age 12. But at the age of 16, I felt as though something was missing and I began to seek the Lord for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. I didn't receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit until I was in my third year of college when our Bible Study was meeting in the Student Union Fellowship Hall. The leader of the Bible Study decided that we would have communion. She asked me to break the bread and ask God to bless it. When I did, that's when I began praying in a language that was unknown to me. This changed my life and marked the beginning of a more intimate relationship with Him.


    The next point of change is when I was accused of negligence in my nursing practice. It was then that I learned how to suffer for Christ’s sake. In this time of trial, my life was changed to have the assurance in knowing that the Lord would never leave me nor forsake me and that He would be my avenger. Finally, when the Lord told me that He was preparing me to be a healing and deliverance minister, He said it would come at a cost. This cost was to become a vegetarian. Since then, I have been preaching the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, witnessing souls being saved, healed and delivered in Jesus Name.


    What led me to become a ministry leader?

    At the age of 16, I was trained to become a Sunday School teacher by my late Pastor Dr. Donald A. Tunie, and then appointed to teach the Primary Class. I was later selected to direct the Youth Choir and attend a class on how to minister at the Altar. The class included how to pray for individuals who were seeking the Lord for healing, deliverance from demonic forces and to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. This training prepared me to be a ministry leader.


    My most memorable ministry moments

    My most rewarding experiences are when individuals receive Jesus as their Savior, and I begin to see how the Lord changes their lives. I also find it rewarding when I see individuals freely worshipping the Lord in Spirit and Truth. One Sunday, the congregation was singing the song I am Freewith lyrics of I am free to run, I am free to dance, I am free to live for you, I am free. No more shackles no more chains, no more bondage I am free. While singing, the Praise Team and everyone in the congregation were on their feet jumping and dancing in worship to our Lord. What a wonderful sight and memorable moment. 


    Something most people don't know about me

    I played the clarinet for the concert band from the 4th grade all the way through my freshman year in college. 

  • Vanessa Robinson
    Vanessa Robinson
    Assoc. Pastor of Evangelism

    How did the Lord change my life?

    My life was changed as the awareness of God's word came through many trials and tribulations that have anchored my faith even more in the Lord. I am so grateful to God for His sacrifice of Jesus Christ on my behalf.


    What led me to become a ministry leader?

    After many years of dedication to the Word of God and ministry, it was God's calling that lead me to ministry leadership in 2004. In 2009, I actually had a vision in the form of a dream calling me to preaching ministry. God is so faithful and sovereign.


    My most memorable ministry moments

    My most memorable memory was our first year at Praise Center in July 2013. We had an outdoor revival and it had been raining most of the day. I was reluctant about attending, but I pressed my way and God showed up mightily. First, there was huge rainbow in the sky just before we started. Second, a lot of the neighborhood people showed up, Pastor preached, we prayed and heard many testimonies. Third, one of the young people stopped by and sang "Never Could Have Made It." He sung that song like it was his own – it was a God-size event that evening. You had to have been there…it was just simply marvelous. HALLELUJAH! 


    Something most people don’t know about me

    Most people don't know that I really enjoy eating Outshine’s popsicles all year round. They are so fruity and refreshing! 

  • Lauren Moreland
    Lauren Moreland
    Assoc. Pastor of Discipleship

    How has the Lord changed my life?

    He changed it for the better in making me more aware of my need for Him. That abiding in Him, depending on Him, trusting in Him, having faith in Him and believing in Him was, and is, the only anchor I needed to hold on to. And as I surrender my all in holding on to Him, He would direct my path. Proverbs 3:5-6


    What led me to become a Ministry Leader?

    The desire to be used as a vessel to help people get and stay connected to the true vine – and watch them bear fruit as they develop a more personal relationship with Him. John 15:5


    My most memorable ministry moment

    When 30 new and growing believers sacrificed their time to take a class on discipleship. They committed to 13-weeks of small group discipleship study and all received certificates of completion. To God be the Glory!!!


    Something most people don’t know about me

    Since a little girl, I always wanted to go to college to be a teacher. Now, I would like to attend college to obtain a degree in Human Services.

  • Dale Banks
    Dale Banks
    Youth and Young Adult Assoc. Pastor

    How did the Lord change my life?

    Reflecting back to that one moment when the Lord changed my life is a bit hard for me. Instead, the culmination of lessons learned, eye opening moments, and the one-on-one personal interactions that created an unshakable faith is what molded me into the person I am today. Jesus Christ has truly made a mark on my life that I have no choice but to share it with others. Every day, the Lord reveals himself to me in various ways, whether through answered prayers to simple everyday questions or the revelation of Bible prophecy being displayed before us today. When the scales are removed from ones’ eyes, you can’t help but notice God everywhere! 


    What led me to become a ministry leader?

    I felt like I had no choice, regardless of how hard I tried to run and do my own thing. God has an interesting, and often funny, way of getting you where you are purposed. Grudgingly at first, I agreed to substitute as the youth director for a month or two. Years later, I can’t see myself not leading the youth! I realized fairly quickly that I actually loved being around the youth and sharing the good news of the Gospel – and teaching them how to apply it in their daily lives. The look on their faces when the light bulb finally flickers is priceless. There is great satisfaction when you operate in God’s purpose for your life. If you are not yet sure of yours, just get in the habit of communicating with God and the revelation will be made. 


    My most memorable ministry moments

    They tend to happen after Sunday school class or in between classes at the youth conventions. The questions that follow the lesson, or just the jovial comments during and after class that break the ice are great. Our quarterly youth outings have become events of great anticipation. 


    Something most people don't know about me

    Hmm...very hard to resist anything peanut butter and chocolate.

  • Erika Buchanan
    Erika Buchanan

    How did the Lord change my life?
    I remember being taught the Word of God in my early years as a kid. At the age of 5, I ran in the middle of the street and yelled "I don't want to go to Hell.” Needless to say, I accepted the Lord as my Savior and have been preaching Hell-Fire and tribulation messages ever since. Throughout the years, however, I have endured a lot of health issues. But I have seen God do the miraculous. 


    What led me to become a ministry leader?

    I actually had one of those wrestling with God moments one night in regards to my call to minister the Word of God. When we first started the church, Pastor was away one Sunday and I knew things still had to run as usual. So I volunteered to lead Praise and Worship. That's how I am. If I see a need, I try to step up and fulfill it. When it comes to designing publications, I use my God given talent for His Glory.


     My most memorable ministry moments

    There have been so many since 1998. The ones I'm most fond of happened during Praise and Worship. A lot of people come in with lost hope, in despair and in bondage, only to surrender everything to God and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. Chains are broken and God sets people free. Other memorable moments are the Sundays when people praise God like crazy, running, jumping, dancing and prostrating. Or when the presence of God just abides and hovers over during worship, and you don't want to move on to the next part of service. I see a lot of healing (physical, emotional, and spiritual) happen during praise and worship. It is so imperative to make it a part of our daily lifestyle...along with fasting and praying.


     Something most people don't know about me

    I play seven instruments and taught myself how to play five of them.

  • Kenneth Robinson
    Kenneth Robinson

    How did the Lord change your life?

    I can remember the exact date it was Sunday, July 5, 1999 I was ready for change, I had repented, prayed and believed by faith that Lord would deliver me from all my bad habits. My former Pastor told me to read Psalm 51, I was to have communion with the Lord for the next seven days. By Gods grace and mercy I was set free on 4 day from a 20 year addiction.


    What lead you to become a ministry leader?

    As I begin to attend church and studying the word of God. I felt the call to serve as an usher, a door keeper in the house of the Lord. But, becoming a deacon was truly a God send I am humbled to be His chosen servant.


    My most memorable ministry moments

    The most memorable event in my life which cause me to be very emotional. It was when I received the phone about having a donor for my double lung transplant in June of 2017. Talking about a God size promise keeper.


     Something most people don’t know about me?

    I was bullied a lot as a child and abused by one of my older brother.

    Because of my past situations, I feel the Lord is leading and positioning me to be a watchmen over His people.

  • Calvin Beattie
    Calvin Beattie

    How did the Lord change my life?

    The Lord has been a life transforming present in my life. The Lord has made me a better husband, a better father and a better man. Also, the positive way I now react to conflicted, and a love and compassion I have for God’s people. I feel blessed by God’s mercy and grace in my life with a renewed peace with Him, even in trying times and disappointments, which only reaffirms my belief on how much I need the Lord in my daily life.


    What led me to become a ministry leader?

    From the time that the Lord had virtually saved my life. I gradually came to the conclusion that it had to be for a reason. As I accepted Jesus Christ into my life as my Lord and Savior, I knew that I also needed inner healing from past experiences and to gain understanding of biblical truth. With the studying of God’s Word and the spiritual willingness for me to help others, ultimately I was led into ministry. That I may be allowed to be used by God, to bless others in some small or profound way, giving all to the Glory to God.


    My most memorable ministry moment

    A few years ago I went to the nursing home to visit a family member who was bedridden. While there I asked if I would be able to have a prayer of salvation with him, knowing that he was not an active Christian. To my delight he did agree. We had a wonderful spiritual conversation about the Lord and his acceptance of Jesus as Lord in his life. We prayed together for his eternal salvation. A great memorable experience, as heaven is rejoicing of another saved soul. Totally unexpectedly, a few days later he went home to be with the Lord. My brother is no longer in the past, he is now in the future.


    Something most people don’t know about me

    That I am a lover of history. I enjoy watching documentaries or movies that give accurate historical accounts of the past. Especially the periods in time that changed the course of the world. If we don’t know our past mistakes, we are susceptible to repeat them.

  • Harold Moreland
    Harold Moreland

    How did the Lord change my life?

     The Lord has changed my life in a few ways. I used to have a short fuse becoming hot tempered easily. The more time I spent communing with God,  the more I noticed my perspective on life changing. I also noticed increasing clarity of the mind and able to maintain my composure more easily. Along with an increased desire to serve the Lord, God also gave me an increasing desire to serve others.


    What led me to become a ministry leader?

    Interesting enough, I sort of fell into ministry. I never had focused desire for any one particular ministry, all I just wanted to do is serve.  Volunteering among various ministry groups such as the AV team, the pastor saw qualities in me that fit the role of a deacon and asked if I would consider the role. After some prayer seeking Gods counsel and some training, here I am!


    My most memorable ministry moments

    There are many moments that I cherish as I serve others. However, serving at the nursing home interacting with the elders along with tending to those in need such as the homeless gives me a sense of fulfillment.


    Something most people don't know about me

    I dont think many people know that I enjoy comic books and shows.


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