Pray Without Ceasing
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Scripture tells us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17).  We may ask ourselves; how do we pray without ceasing when we have responsibilities that require our undivided attention?

I came across this article written by Pastor Chris Russell that may be of help in answering this question.  The article is entitled “5 Battle Ways to Pray Without Ceasing”.

There are five simple things we can do that will help us to pray without ceasing:


1. Walk with God

We can take regular walks in which we can pray while walking.  Some people go for prayer walks around their neighborhood for the purpose of praying for their neighbors.


2. Run with God

If you are into fitness, you may consider praying while you are running or working out.  In doing so, you not only strengthen your physical body, you strengthen your communication with God.


3. Drive with God

Most of us spend several hours driving each week.  We drive to work; we drive to the store and may even to the homes of our family and friends.  We can commit those drive times to a time of prayer.


4. Wait with God

We all spend time waiting on one thing or another; but we don’t always have a plan in place to occupy our time in the wait. We wait on traffic, doctors, family members, etc. We can use this time as an opportunity to pray for others.


5. Hide out with God

Then, there are occasions we must go to a place of solitude to spend time with God.  Whether it’s going to a community park, to the mountains or the beach, we can block out time in our busy schedules to spend uninterrupted time with God.  In doing so, our relationship with God will be strengthened.


Therefore, I encourage everyone to apply these principles to our lives so that we may pray without ceasing.

In His service,

Pastor Rose


Worship Service Sunday, Mar 9 @ 10:00 AM
Intercessory Prayer Wednesday, Mar 12 @ 7:00 PM
Firmly Planted Bible Study Thursday, Mar 13 @ 7:00 PM

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