God is Seeking True Worshippers
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John 4:23-24 records Jesus saying, “But the hour is coming and is now here, when the trueworshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth”,


Many equate worship with singing music in church. This is one aspect of worship. Worship is not limited to song. Worship is a full life response to who He is.


The definition of worship is to pay honor and respect. There are many synonyms to the word worship such as adore, esteem, magnify, revere and exalt. The Hebrew word for worship is Shachah. It is translated, to bow down, to reverence, to prostrate, and to earnestly seek God. It is impossible to understand worship without relating it to the attitude of the body. Sometimes, it refers to a stretching out of the hands toward God or to lie prostrate before our Lord. Leviticus 9:24 (NIV)… And when all the people saw it, they shouted for joy and fell face down.


We are to worship the Lord in “spirit and in truth”. “In spirit” refers to coming to God with complete sincerity and directed by the life and activity of the Holy Spirit. “In truth” means absolute openness and honesty before God, hiding nothing. It involves us exposing our entire life to the divine searchlight of the Holy Spirit.


Man is composed of spirit, soul and body. The body of man is world- conscious. The soul is self-conscious. The spirit of man is God-conscious. God is Spirit, thus when we worship Him, we must do so in spirit and in truth.


We must understand that worship is a response to a relationship with God. The relationship involves fellowship and personal revelation by God through the reading of His Word to each individual.


Therefore, let us worship the Lord in spirit and truth not just on Sunday, but each day of our lives.


In His Service,

Pastor Rose

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Intercessory Prayer Wednesday, Jan 22 @ 7:00 PM
Full Life Bible Study Thursday, Jan 23 @ 7:00 PM
Firmly Planted Bible Study Thursday, Jan 23 @ 7:00 PM

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