Intercessory Team
The Intercessory Team prays and intercedes for the body of believers, family members, and whoever the Lord lays upon our hearts to pray for. We pray for souls to be saved, healed, delivered, and receive added power in the name of Jesus.
The team prays via conference call every Wednesday, has prayer walks in the spring and summer, and has prayer shut-ins every 6 months.
Lead: Associate Pastor Vanessa Robinson
Evangelist Team
The Evangelism Team is an active beacon in the community and exists to encourage and equip believers to share the love of God, model that love, and win people to Christ.
Helping Hands
Cornerstone serves as a local community clothing and food bank for Baltimore City residents and Cornerstone members in need. Members and residents may visit the church to receive clothing and food items on a monthly basis. The team also does a prayer walk through the community.
Lead: Associate Pastor Vanessa Robinson
When We Meet: 2nd Saturday’s 12-2:30pm Bldg. 407
Clothing Drop-Offs: 2nd Saturday’s 12-2:30pm Bldg. 407
Nursing Homes
Team members regularly take the Word of God to assisted living facilities in Baltimore City, Hanover, and Laurel, MD communities.
At this time we are visiting the Morningside House of Friendships in Hanover, MD.
Lead: Associate Pastor Lauren Moreland
When We Meet: 3rd Saturday’s 1:30pm
Prison Ministry
Coming soon!