Worship In Spirit & in Truth
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As you know, I truly enjoy worshipping our Lord and Savior. Once I begin singing praises to our Lord, it can lead to a concert of songs unto Him. For as I sing, I enter into His presence and can literally be in His presence all day long.

Scripture says in John 4:23-24 But the hour is coming and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.


“God is Spirit” means He is not a physical being limited to one place. He is present everywhere and we can worship Him anywhere at any time.

It is not where we worship that counts, but how we worship.


To say that we must worship God “in spirit” means that it must originate from our heart. Our worship must be sincere and motivated by our love for God and gratitude for all He has done.

There are times, when we come before our Lord to worship Him, and we allow distractions to get in the way. We sing songs, but we don’t worship. We listen to sermons but we don’t worship. We serve in a ministry area but don’t worship.


All of these are elements of worship, but they are not worship in and of themselves, which means that we can do all of them and yet fail to truly worship God.

To truly worship God in spirit and truth, we must surrender our entire being to the Lord.

In Romans 12:1(NLT) says: And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice- the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him.

With that being said, our worship to God must be a lifestyle. In all things we must give God praise. We serve a faithful God. All glory and honor belong to Him.


Thus, when I think of His goodness and what He has done for me. My very soul cries out Hallelujah! I thank God for saving me.

In His Service, Pastor Rose


Intercessory Prayer Wednesday, Jan 22 @ 7:00 PM
Full Life Bible Study Thursday, Jan 23 @ 7:00 PM
Firmly Planted Bible Study Thursday, Jan 23 @ 7:00 PM

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