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Being a disciple of Jesus is about more than belief—it’s about a transformative way of living. Discipleship involves aligning your life with Jesus' teachings and example, leading to a deeper relationship with God and others. Here's why it's important:


Growing in Relationship with God:

Discipleship draws you closer to God. By studying Jesus' life, praying, and obeying His commands, you develop intimacy with Him and experience His love and guidance.


Living with Purpose:

Jesus calls His disciples to a life of meaning and mission. Following Him involves sharing the Gospel, serving others, and contributing to the transformation of the world.


Developing Christ-like Character:

Discipleship shapes your heart and mind, helping you to become more like Jesus—compassionate, humble, forgiving, and loving.


Obeying Jesus’ Command:

In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus commands His followers to “make disciples of all nations.” Discipleship is a response to this call, reflecting a commitment to His mission.


Eternal Impact:

Being a disciple not only influences your present life but also your eternal destiny. It’s about building a foundation of faith that lasts forever.


Discipleship isn’t about perfection but a continual pursuit of Jesus, allowing His Spirit to work in and through you for His glory. It’s a journey of surrender, growth, and abundant life.


Therefore, as we enter the year 2025, let us not only be a disciple of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, let us be intentional in making disciples of all nations.


In His Service,

Pastor Rose


Intercessory Prayer Wednesday, Jan 22 @ 7:00 PM
Full Life Bible Study Thursday, Jan 23 @ 7:00 PM
Firmly Planted Bible Study Thursday, Jan 23 @ 7:00 PM

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