See It To Believe It!
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see it


Before my father, Charles A. Scales Sr. transferred to hospice, he said to the family, “You have to see it to believe it”. After repeating the phrase several times, my mother asked him if he had seen heaven.  His response was “a glimpse”.


I then began to imagine what my father may have seen.  Did he see the brilliance of the New Jerusalem?  Did he see the glory of the Lord?


I imagined Dad seeing the walls made of jasper and the twelve gates made of pearls. I imagined Dad seeing the city of pure gold, pure as glass. I imagined Dad seeing the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great city.  I imagined Dad seeing the tree of life on each side of the river, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. I imagined Dad being in the presence of the Lord, seeing Him face to face, reigning with the Lord forever and ever.


As I pondered Dad seeing a glimpse of heaven, I thought of the song written by Mercy Me:


I can only imagine what it will be like when I walk by Your side.  I can only imagine what my eyes would see when Your face is before me.  I can only imagine.


I can only imagine when the day comes and I find myself standing in the Son.  I can only imagine when all I will do is forever, forever worship You.  I can only imagine.


Surrounded by Your Glory what will I feel?  Will I dance before You Jesus or in awe of You be still?  Will I stand in Your presence or to my knees will I fall?  Will I sing hallelujah?  Will I be able to speak at all?  I can only imagine.


Just as my father saw a glimpse of heaven and now has a full view, I look forward to the day when I say to those whom I’ll leave behind, “You have to see it to believe it”.


I encourage us all to be steadfast in the faith and obedience to El Shaddai, God Almighty through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ so that we too will not just imagine, but will dwell in the Glory of the Lord.


In His Service,

Pastor Rose


Soul Care Saturday, Mar 15 @ 10:00 AM
Morningside House of Friendships Saturday, Mar 15 @ 1:30 PM
Worship Service Sunday, Mar 16 @ 10:00 AM

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