How did the Lord change your life?
I can remember the exact date it was Sunday, July 5, 1999 I was ready for change, I had repented, prayed and believed by faith that Lord would deliver me from all my bad habits. My former Pastor told me to read Psalm 51, I was to have communion with the Lord for the next seven days. By Gods grace and mercy I was set free on 4 day from a 20 year addiction.
What lead you to become a ministry leader?
As I begin to attend church and studying the word of God. I felt the call to serve as an usher, a door keeper in the house of the Lord. But, becoming a deacon was truly a God send I am humbled to be His chosen servant.
My most memorable ministry moments
The most memorable event in my life which cause me to be very emotional. It was when I received the phone about having a donor for my double lung transplant in June of 2017. Talking about a God size promise keeper.
Something most people don’t know about me?
I was bullied a lot as a child and abused by one of my older brother.
Because of my past situations, I feel the Lord is leading and positioning me to be a watchmen over His people.