How did the Lord change my life?
The Lord has changed my life in a few ways. I used to have a short fuse becoming hot tempered easily. The more time I spent communing with God, the more I noticed my perspective on life changing. I also noticed increasing clarity of the mind and able to maintain my composure more easily. Along with an increased desire to serve the Lord, God also gave me an increasing desire to serve others.
What led me to become a ministry leader?
Interesting enough, I sort of fell into ministry. I never had focused desire for any one particular ministry, all I just wanted to do is serve. Volunteering among various ministry groups such as the AV team, the pastor saw qualities in me that fit the role of a deacon and asked if I would consider the role. After some prayer seeking Gods counsel and some training, here I am!
My most memorable ministry moments
There are many moments that I cherish as I serve others. However, serving at the nursing home interacting with the elders along with tending to those in need such as the homeless gives me a sense of fulfillment.
Something most people don't know about me
I dont think many people know that I enjoy comic books and shows.