How did the Lord change my life?
I was 20 years old and “playing” church. I was holding ministry offices; serving the church, not the Lord. After an encounter with a Young Adult Ministry from another church, I received the Plan of Salvation, and professed Christ as my Lord and Savior. Along with Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Christ started the process of moving me from carnality to holiness. Through the guidance and molding of the Holy Spirit, my tastes changed from worldly to Godliness.
What led me to become a ministry leader?
From a previous church, I was already a licensed Deacon. I had also played bass guitar since I was in 10th grade. God used the gifts that He had given me to be elevated in servanthood unto Him. All I did was say “yes Lord.”
My most memorable ministry moments
Seeing the captives set free through deliverance. Seeing the wheelchair bound rise up and walk, squat, and leap for joy. Every time someone yields and accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Something most people don’t know about me
I’m really a wall flower and shy at heart. I’d rather operate in the background and not be up front. It’s God that grants me the boldness to do the things He has me to do.