How did the Lord change my life?
I believe the Lord changed and continues to change my life in stages. I received the Lord as my Savior at age 12. But at the age of 16, I felt as though something was missing and I began to seek the Lord for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. I didn't receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit until I was in my third year of college when our Bible Study was meeting in the Student Union Fellowship Hall. The leader of the Bible Study decided that we would have communion. She asked me to break the bread and ask God to bless it. When I did, that's when I began praying in a language that was unknown to me. This changed my life and marked the beginning of a more intimate relationship with Him.
The next point of change is when I was accused of negligence in my nursing practice. It was then that I learned how to suffer for Christ’s sake. In this time of trial, my life was changed to have the assurance in knowing that the Lord would never leave me nor forsake me and that He would be my avenger. Finally, when the Lord told me that He was preparing me to be a healing and deliverance minister, He said it would come at a cost. This cost was to become a vegetarian. Since then, I have been preaching the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, witnessing souls being saved, healed and delivered in Jesus Name.
What led me to become a ministry leader?
At the age of 16, I was trained to become a Sunday School teacher by my late Pastor Dr. Donald A. Tunie, and then appointed to teach the Primary Class. I was later selected to direct the Youth Choir and attend a class on how to minister at the Altar. The class included how to pray for individuals who were seeking the Lord for healing, deliverance from demonic forces and to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. This training prepared me to be a ministry leader.
My most memorable ministry moments
My most rewarding experiences are when individuals receive Jesus as their Savior, and I begin to see how the Lord changes their lives. I also find it rewarding when I see individuals freely worshipping the Lord in Spirit and Truth. One Sunday, the congregation was singing the song “I am Free” with lyrics of I am free to run, I am free to dance, I am free to live for you, I am free. No more shackles no more chains, no more bondage I am free. While singing, the Praise Team and everyone in the congregation were on their feet jumping and dancing in worship to our Lord. What a wonderful sight and memorable moment.
Something most people don't know about me
I played the clarinet for the concert band from the 4th grade all the way through my freshman year in college.