How did the Lord change my life?
Reflecting back to that one moment when the Lord changed my life is a bit hard for me. Instead, the culmination of lessons learned, eye opening moments, and the one-on-one personal interactions that created an unshakable faith is what molded me into the person I am today. Jesus Christ has truly made a mark on my life that I have no choice but to share it with others. Every day, the Lord reveals himself to me in various ways, whether through answered prayers to simple everyday questions or the revelation of Bible prophecy being displayed before us today. When the scales are removed from ones’ eyes, you can’t help but notice God everywhere!
What led me to become a ministry leader?
I felt like I had no choice, regardless of how hard I tried to run and do my own thing. God has an interesting, and often funny, way of getting you where you are purposed. Grudgingly at first, I agreed to substitute as the youth director for a month or two. Years later, I can’t see myself not leading the youth! I realized fairly quickly that I actually loved being around the youth and sharing the good news of the Gospel – and teaching them how to apply it in their daily lives. The look on their faces when the light bulb finally flickers is priceless. There is great satisfaction when you operate in God’s purpose for your life. If you are not yet sure of yours, just get in the habit of communicating with God and the revelation will be made.
My most memorable ministry moments
They tend to happen after Sunday school class or in between classes at the youth conventions. The questions that follow the lesson, or just the jovial comments during and after class that break the ice are great. Our quarterly youth outings have become events of great anticipation.
Something most people don't know about me
Hmm...very hard to resist anything peanut butter and chocolate.